Use Case

Automated Request Fulfillment

Automated Request Fulfillment

Explore how to integrate the runbook automation platform with Request Management to bring automation closer to the requester, reducing the overall provisioning time.

Solution Overview

Runbook Automation is essential for efficiently managing a large-scale environment and maintaining relatively error-free configurations. When managing a multi-cloud or hybrid environment, it is necessary to have an orchestrator that can help you automate processes and integrate with a wide range of tools.

Rundeck is the leading OSS runbook automation platform. It helps create workflows that span various scripts, tools, APIs, and system commands to standardize operational tasks.

With Rundeck, you can automate routine processes across development and production environments, such as provisioning, security, software updates and deployment, changing configurations, opening ports, and more. It also enables you to integrate and manage technical debt and achieve synergy by centralizing the management of these assets.


Demo Overview

The purpose of this demo is to provide an environment where you can explore the capabilities of Rundeck and understand its capabilities in managing remote devices. The associated demo video showcases how Rundeck can be integrated with ServiceNow to completely automate end-to-end request fulfillment.


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